Winners by Island:
St. Croix Winners:
First Place: Carmen Reyes, Frederiksted
Second Place: Marlon Williams, Frederiksted
Third Place: Kristeene Sealey, Christiansted
Paul & Agnes Yarwood, Christiansted
Cecile Serville, Frederiksted
St. Thomas Winners:
First Place: Michelle Montenegro
Second Place: Jose and Dolores Velasquez
Third Place: Dennis LaPlace and Olga McBean
Raphael Richardson
St. John Winners:
First Place: Michael Hedy, St. John
Second Place: Shane Tierney, St. John
Peoples Choice Winner: Jose & Delores Velasquez (St. Thomas)
“I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the winners and a BIG V.I. Lottery thank you to all of the individuals that participated in sharing their holiday cheer with the community.”
- Mr. Raymond J. Williams
Executive Director of the Virgin Islands Lottery
First place winners prize is $3000, Second place winners prize is $2000, and the Third place winners prize is $1000.00.
People's Choice winner prize is Jan & Feb WAPA bill paid in full.